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This message calls you back to the infinite knowing that there is only ONE. You and the other are really just different faces of All-That-Is, of the ONE SOURCE. You are being called to be Loyal to yourself. How many times have you not taken your own side, not stood up for yourself, failed to say 'No' when you needed to? When you let yourself down you let everyone down. Stop betray yourself and telling yourself you are doing it because you are too nice. Don't confuse niceness with disloyalty and weakness. Source knows your true heart. It's time to be your own champion.
There are times when you are best served by sticking to the rules and colouring inside the lines and this is one of them. Don't push against or resist for what you resist will persist. Instead connect to your Wise authentic self and be guided to play by the rules. Giving up your resistance will relieve your stress and neutralize your energy so that the change you seek can take place. There are things that are simply out of your control. Let go and let Goddess handle it. Surrender to what is.
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Yin represents the Divine Feminine, the Moon, darkness, passivity, opening to receive and the earth. Take a deep dive into your feminine energy. It's easy to get out of balance when you have to compete in career and take on too many responsibilities at home. When your masculine and feminine energies are out of balance you will feel it and it may show up as anxiety, impatience, irritibility and anger. Lavish your body with extra time and care, dress in something feminine, spend time in nature noticing how the Mother Goddess effortlessly takes care of all. Open yourself to receiving by noticing and expressing gratitude for everything that comes your way even if it is only a smile. Give yourself a break from striving for success and gain and give thanks for everything that you have. Dance beneath the Moon.
Did you know that every night when you go to sleep you return to your Source and every morning when you awaken you start afresh? Your Spiritual work at this time is to Affirm to yourself, everyone morning, as soon as you reach consciousness that you are a new, different and expanded version of yourself. Wear something different, try new tastes, focus on noticing new things, take a different route on your daily travels, adopt a different persona and see how it feels. You don't have to be the same person you were yesterday. You are a multidimensional Being who has lived many other lives, with many names and trodden many paths. Who you are in this lifetime, how you show up, behave, talk, think is entirely your choice. Play with creating a new version of yourself every day, keeping the bits you like and turning away from the rest and you will discover you are much more powerful than you thought.
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